Enter the username of a Twitch streamer to fetch their clips, and optionally enter a date range of clips to fetch.
For streamers with a lot of clips, a date range may need to be specified as the Twitch API will not return more than 1100 clips.
After fetching clips, they can be searched, sorted, and filtered further.
Showing {{ clips_filtered.length }} of {{ clips.length }} clips fetched for {{ clips_user }}
Clip {{ sort_dir === 'desc' ? '▼' : '▲' }} | Duration {{ sort_dir === 'desc' ? '▼' : '▲' }} | Views {{ sort_dir === 'desc' ? '▼' : '▲' }} | Category {{ sort_dir === 'desc' ? '▼' : '▲' }} | Clipper {{ sort_dir === 'desc' ? '▼' : '▲' }} | Date {{ sort_dir === 'desc' ? '▼' : '▲' }} |
{{ clip.duration }}s | {{ clip.view_count }} | {{ clip.game }} | {{ clip.creator_name }} | {{ new Date(clip.created_at).toLocaleString() }} |